It’s Nap Time: How to Master the Art of Different Types of Naps

Puffy Mattress
5 min readMar 1, 2021


Nap time — we loathe it as kids and crave it as adults.

The reality is many adults barely find the time to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep, let alone squeeze in a nap.

It’s Nap Time: How to Master the Art of Different Types of Naps
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But when done correctly, nap time can offer a substantial boost of energy you need to carry on with the rest of your day. Not only that, but the benefits of napping are numerous. It can reduce stress, improve coordination and alertness, enhance creativity, and reduce your appetite.

On the other hand, taking a 3-hour nap can result in tossing and turning come nighttime, so it’s essential to be mindful about your napping habits.

The good news is there are several different types of naps, so you can pick one that’s right for you at any given time. To choose the right nap, you need to listen to your body. Sometimes, all you need is a 20-minute power nap on the couch to recharge. Other times, you might need to curl up in your bed and catch up on lost sleep.

This guide breaks down the different types of naps and their benefits so you can pick the nap that’s best for you.

The Ultimate Guide to Napping
© Puffy

The CEO Nap

Alternatively, the CEO nap is also referred to as the power nap or catnap. As the name suggests, the CEO nap is designed for busy bees who need to enhance focus and boost productivity in a short amount of time.

CEO naps should ideally range from 20 to 25 minutes. It’s short enough that it won’t interfere with your sleep cycle and long enough to give you a burst of energy.

The best time of day to take a power nap is between 1 and 3 p.m., which is around the time when most people start to notice a dip in their productivity levels. Taking your nap time early in the afternoon can also be beneficial for getting a good night’s rest.

The Coffee Nap

Think of the coffee nap as an extension of the power nap. But instead of depending on an alarm to wake you up after nap time, you rely on the effects of caffeine.

This type of nap involves quickly gulping down a cup of coffee, preferably without cream or sugar, and taking a 20-minute nap immediately after.

Even though caffeine is a stimulant, it needs time to break down and kick in. In fact, it takes around 20 minutes, which is why this nap is effective at making you feel alert and energized.

When you drink coffee and nap right away, you’re able to enjoy the restorative benefits of your power nap, and you’ll wake up just as your body starts to process the caffeine.

Since caffeine can stay in your body for up to 10 hours, it’s best to take a coffee nap as early in the afternoon as you can. These types of naps can be especially beneficial if you’re running on less than 6 hours of sleep and need a pick-me-up during the day.

The Siesta

In many cultures, everything shuts down in the afternoon so that people can re-energize with a long nap, which is also known as a siesta.

Traditional Spanish siestas typically last around 2 hours, and it’s best enjoyed after lunch. In many Latin American countries, lunch is the biggest meal of the day, which is why many people take their nap time in the afternoons when temperatures are also the highest.

However, unless it’s the weekend or you’re severely sleep-deprived, it’s best to avoid taking a 2-hour nap so that it doesn’t interfere with your ability to get a good night’s rest.

The Disco Nap

Squeezing in some nap time before a big night out could give you more energy than downing a Red Bull.

The disco nap is also known as the pre-party nap purely because it’s designed to offer you enough sustenance to rally all night. The disco nap should be longer than 45 minutes, but not more than 90 minutes.

Otherwise, you run the risk of entering the deep sleep stage and waking up groggy. In case you’re short on time, you can still try this method by combining it with a coffee nap to feel even more energized.

Try to sneak in your disco nap time at least two hours before you need to leave so that you have sufficient time to sneak in some shut-eye and get ready. To ensure the disco nap doesn’t disrupt your sleep schedule the next day, it’s essential to wake up at the same time you usually would.

The New Parent Nap

If you’re a new parent, then you probably don’t even remember what it feels like to sleep through the night for a solid 8 hours. At this point, you might even find yourself yearning for an uninterrupted 6 hours.

According to the 2020 Puffy Sleep Survey, young parents, in particular, reported a 22% sleep satisfaction score, with more than 65% saying they average less than 6 hours per night.

New parents, especially moms, need a lot more sleep than what they get. But the good news is that this is the perfect excuse to indulge in nap time whenever you can.

The strategy behind the new parent nap is taking a nap whenever your baby’s asleep, even if that’s at 11 a.m. You’re going to miss out on a lot of sleep during the night, so don’t worry too much about how long or when you’re napping. Instead, just focus on getting the shut-eye you need.

The Jet Lag Nap

Nothing dampens the thrill of being in a new place than being jet-lagged. The effects of jet lag can be unpleasant, especially if they take a few days to subside. Fortunately, the jet lag nap could reduce the symptoms. Catching up on your nap time might even help your body adjust to new time zones.

To beat jet lag, try to take a short nap after you arrive at your destination. The best nap length when you’re jet-lagged is 20 to 45 minutes.

Otherwise, you might find yourself lying awake at night, potentially worsening your jet lag. Another strategy to fight travel exhaustion is to take a long nap on the plane, but only if you would be asleep in the city you’re traveling to.

Even though many people might think that nap time can interfere with their ability to get a good night’s rest, it’s typically because the naps are longer than it needs to be.

However, napping isn’t recommended for everyone, especially insomniacs. But for most people, timing their naps correctly and choosing the nap they need could improve mood and promote relaxation.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read in our publication.

About Puffy
Puffy is a California-based company founded on the idea of creating cloud mattresses and bedroom products that feel like sleeping on a cloud. Puffy has been featured on The Talk, and was recently awarded Best Mattress of 2021. For more information visit



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